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The Sustainable Voyage: Journey to the Center of the Earth & Tarot

Your Human Guides: Dr. James Wanless, Creator of "The Voyager Tarot" & "Sustain Yourself" cards & Amy Beth Katz, Shamaic Visionary Guide.

Calling all Green Men & Wild Women! Join us for the maiden voyage into the mysteries and essence of Tarot! For the first time ever, James and Amy will combine the Voyager Tarot "Map of Life"  with the "Sustain Yourself" Cards in a nature-based, exploratory, shamanic playshop. Together with a small group of other seekers, explorers and visionaries -- in a wildly beautiful, 100 year-old garden (on a 100,000,000 year old Earth) you will have the sensuous & embodied experience of discovering the energies and archetypes of Wanless's classic and newest decks, by actually LIVING the Tarot. Learn how to apply the ever-greening, natural principles for re-energizing yourself to the real voyage of life, so as to better maintain the course of living well and living long. Learn to play, dance, dream and explore Tarot from it's very roots: your roots!

Into to Loving to Heal: Medicine Walks in Nature

Santa Barbara, CA


Indepth Introductory Weekend Intensive.

Guides: Amy Katz & Dr. Dave Montgomery

What keeps you from loving and caring for yourself?  What keeps you resisting the messages you receive from your heart?  What keeps your guilt or shame alive? What keeps you feeling that you are not good enough?  Its not just about caring but acting like you care, by treating yourself to Joy, to Wonder, to wild self expression. Your choice of thoughts, words, and actions will direct you to the well being of love. Your body’s physical, emotional  and intuitive gauges are navigation tools which provide helpful information for keeping you on course for fully embracing and enjoying life.  Awareness is the beginning.  It  reveals opportunities for adjustments when fear turns you away from love and wellness.    Practicing forgiveness realigns you with Love.


This 2 day experiential program will introduce you to practices that cultivate self-compassion and increase awareness of the resistances that sabotage self-care and loving. nature awareness, energy healing, imaginal journeying, dreamtending, soul poetry, creative arts, fire or water ceremonies and talking council practices will break your heart open and jump start your transformative journey towards empowerment and unconditional love.




Loving to Heal ~ 8 Day Pilgrimage

Journey to Sacred Sites of Mt Shasta


Guides: Dr. Dave Montgomery & Amy Katz, M.A.

During this expedition into the wild realms of heart and soul, the profound beauty of Mt. Shasta will guide you to climb your highest hopes, and dive deep into the mysteries of loving, healing & self-empowerment. Designed especially for caregivers, physicians & healers of all sorts, you will heal yourself so that you have much more energy and love to assist others in their healing.

This is a transformational journey
to “Thin Places” where heaven and earth
merge to reveal life-enhancing wisdom.  

On this playground of unconditional Love
you will wander into the metaphors of Nature,connect with spirit guides
listen with the ears of your heart,
ask sacred questions, live into the answers,
gaze into mirrors of your soul,
make love with your True Essence,
and feast on the Gifts,experience rituals of wellness,breathe compassion,
bathe in the joy of community,heal old stories by birthing new ones,stretch beyond beliefs and awaken to infinite possibilities


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SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 2013  




10:00am - 5:00pm: Lunch Included. 


Location: Amy's Secret Garden:

3890 Pueblo Ave 

Santa Barbara CA 93110


Call Amy: 805-428-9252 or Email:

March 21 - 23


$395.00 ($350 if register by Jan 1, 2013) 

Friday: 6:00pm - 9:00pm

Sat: 10:00am - 8:00pm (Includes lunch; potluck dinner)


Sun: 10:00 am - 12:30 pm


Location: Amy's Secret Garden,

Santa Barbara, CA & field trip to Butterfly Preserve/Beach

There are two separate week-long programs to choose from:


Sunday, June 22 - Sat. June 29, 2014
Sunday, July 13 - Sat. July 20, 2014

Cost is $1680 which includes room, food and guide fees.


There is a $100 discount if you register for either program by March 22,,2014


Location: Flowing Waters Retreat Center, Mt. Shasta





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